Thank You, Subscribers :)


Thank you for your subscriptions and for continuing to support this ministry.

Over the years, I’ve created thousands of drawings which hundreds of churches are using all over the world. I am constantly humbled by your support. I’m also delighted to receive emails with images of your church bulletins or colored drawings that your Church Kids have completed. Please keep sending them to me – they make me feel connected to your important ministries. Just send me an email to

I’ve kept the subscription to $25 US dollars per annum, so that it doesn’t impact your church budgets. I like to think that for less than 50 cents per week, you’re adding quality to your ministries.

The paid subscription is really a yearlong license to use my work for any purposes that will help your church. This includes worship bulletins, newsletters, coloring pages for children, marketing and on your websites, including social media.

I’ve also been able to support several missions with your contributions, which is a wonderful way to bless others.

May God continue to bless your work in the church and communities you serve.

John Stuart aka Stushie

New Devotions Book: The Light of Love

01 TLOLsMy latest book of devotions has just been published. This time, I’ve uploaded it as an ebook for Kindle and also as a paperback edition. Some of you were asking for this option. Both editions are available at the following links now, in the US and internationally.
Here’s a description of the book which is called ‘The Light of Love.’
The Gospel of John has always fascinated me because it is so unlike the other writings of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Jesus has more personal encounters and conversations in the Gospel and this shows us each individual in the stories was highly valued and respected by Christ. This is what first attracted me to Jesus – His personal touch and deep interest in the lives and circumstances of the people He met.
The Gospel has twenty-one chapters and can be easily read over six weeks by reading approximately half of each chapter on a daily basis. I’ve written two devotions for each chapter with a point to ponder and a short prayer at the end. A daily plan is also included at the beginning of the book and the day’s readings are given in each devotion. I’ve inserted some of my artwork to separate each weekly section of the readings and devotions.
The book can be read individually or as family devotions each day. However you use this book, I hope and pray that it brings you closer to the Lord.

Narrative Lectionary art – Year 2 Easter 6

Narrative Lectionary art – Year 2 Easter 6 1 Corinthians 13 art and coloring page.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes.

Easter 6 Year 2col

Easter 6 Year 2

Easter 6B art – Gospel, Acts, and Psalm

Bulletin art and coloring pages for Easter 6B – John 15:9-17, Acts 10:44-48, and Psalm 98:1-9

Subscribers and donors can copy and download for use, as per current instructions.

Easter 6Bhcol

Easter 6Bh



Acts 10:44-48 suggested art

Eas6B acts

Eas6B actssq

Psalm 98 art

Easter 6Bcol

Easter 6B

Psalm 98

Psalm 98 coloring page

Sunday Shorts: Abide in Me

E5BsJohn 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

I like the word ‘abide’. In this verse it has a very peaceful meaning attached to it because it refers to remaining with Jesus and stopping everything else just to be with Him for a while. We all get so busy in this post-covid age and overload our schedules that we often miss out on our sleep and constantly wake up tired. Our hyper-activity is relentless at times and the pressure to accomplish six impossible things before breakfast is causing us a lot of stress. We all have hopes and dreams, ambitions and goals that we want to pursue but if we get obsessed by them, we’ll end up being possessed by them, and this is not what God wants for our lives.

To abide in Jesus is to let go of everything that drives us and let Him lead us. It means stepping back from who we think we need to be, to become what God wants us to be. In the end, whatever we accomplish, build, or achieve will mean nothing in eternity, but the fruit of faith that we bear by abiding with Christ – that will delight God and bring us everlasting joy. This is what Jesus means when He says that ‘apart from me you can do nothing.’

Today is Sunday. God set it apart so that we can abide with Him and His Son. It’s not just a sacred day with religious obligations, it’s also a trysting place, a thin space when everything in heaven and on earth is meant to stop and abide in God’s presence. It’s a day to step back from the busyness of life and let God embrace us peacefully and lovingly, in order to reset our lives and recharge our spirits.

Point to ponder: Am I willing to abide in Christ today?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to let go of our relentless activities and driven ambitions in order to experience a sacred piece of eternity in our finite world. Allow us to abide in and with you, so that we may renew our faith and reconnect our souls with God. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Pentecost art and coloring pages

Over the years, I’ve created a lot of Pentecost art and coloring pages.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Celtic PromisecolL

Celtic Promisecol  Celtic Promise

Celebrationcol  Celebration

Promisedcol  Pentec24

Pent24col  Pent24



ZCTb  Spirit for All Seasons

Firefall  Firefall



Spirit of Pentecost 23  Spriti of pentecost 23

Pentcomm23col  Pentcomm23






SpiritFilled  SpiritFilled

Narrative Lectionary – Year 2 Easter 5 – Paul making Tents

Apostle Paul making tents in Corinth – bulletin art and coloring page – from Acts 18.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes.

Easter 5 Year 2 Acts 18col

Easter 5 Year 2 Acts 18

Sunday Shorts: Lay Down

E4BsJohn 10:15 Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. (NIV)

I’ve sometimes heard and read some post-modern preachers say that Jesus didn’t sacrifice His life on our behalf. They question Christ paying the price of our sins because God’s justice demanded it. They also express the thought that His death was accidental and was never intended to happen. I wonder where they get their notions from and feel as though they’re just parroting something that a seminary teacher, lecturer, or professor once stated. They are fully convinced that they are right and people like me are totally wrong.

I question their ideas because scripture, like today’s highlighted verse, plainly states that Jesus Himself declared He was willing to lay down His life for the sheep; in other words, Christ clearly expressed His readiness to die for His flock, which is not some 19th century theological notion created by revivalist preachers, but is a First century teaching that the Apostle John must have heard directly from the lips of Jesus.

I have known several shepherds in my lifetime and have seen how devoted they are to the wellbeing of their livestock. At this time of year, they are constantly watching over the ewes who are producing lambs and spend many hours tending to their needs at a very vulnerable time for both the ewes and their young. Without that commitment and watchfulness, the sheep would perish, so it’s no wonder then that Jesus talked about being the Good Shepherd to His followers, but He also took His pastoral care a stage further by stating that He would lay down His life for them – that’s not just good shepherding; it’s great shepherding.

There can be no reason for Jesus saying He would lay down His life for His sheep other than sacrificing Himself on their behalf, even on our behalf. It may be theologically fashionable for some folks to reject this notion, but it does not eradicate the fact that Jesus did what He said He would do. He laid down His life on the Cross at Calvary in order to save His sheep and satisfy what God required. Why? Because the sheep, including us, could do nothing to save themselves from the wrath of God.

Point to ponder: Do I believe Jesus laid down His life for my sins? If not, what can I do to save myself? If so, am I willing to accept Christ as my Savior today?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, without Your sacrifice, we could never do enough to placate God or be restored to God’s favor, love, and kingdom. Help us to understand and accept that You laid down Your life for every one of us by enabling us to receive You as our Redeemer, Savior, and Lord. Amen.

Celtic Art

Over the years, I’ve drawn some Celtic inspired images which can be used in church bulletins, worship screens, and on social media. I’ve also drawn a few coloring pages.

The images below begin with several Pentecost and Communion drawings.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use. See the menu for details.


SOTC col



Celtic Communion

Celtic Communion

Celtic Flame  Celtic Connection

Celtic Spring  Stained Glass Seochan

Celtic Spirit  Celtic Dawn

Celtic Hope1  CelticHeart

Celtic Cross  Caledonian Soul